For applicants


Personnel and Job Placement by DEKRA Arbeit Group

The search for the perfect job with promising career prospects is not easy – and very time-consuming. Especially for specific or regionally limited job preferences, the application process is often like looking for a needle in a haystack. This also applies to a career change that matches your personal qualifications and work experience.

DEKRA Arbeit Group offers job seekers professional assistance with job placement for this very purpose. With over 25 years of labour market experience, a modern, comprehensive selection process, and immediate access to our extensive HR network with over 500 HR decision-makers across Germany, we support employees in professional career planning.

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What does Job Placement mean?


Job placement is a kind of job-related placement function. As an applicant, you first contact us and describe your specific job wishes. As your placement partner, we create a list of suitable companies that have positions matching your expectations. The job referral may be a current vacancy at one of our client companies, an active response from an HR decision-maker in our network, or a general search result from a specific search conducted for you.

The key advantages of our job placement services:

  • Direct access to all career opportunities with renowned client companies in our internal HR network (with over 500 HR decision-makers nationwide)
  • Personal career advice from one of our labour market experts with regional (industry) focus and many years of placement experience
  • Significantly reduced time and cost savings in the application process
  • Indirect, pseudonymised contact with suitable companies
  • Continuous support and guidance in your personal job search – from professional profile creation, targeted job identification, initial contact with potential HR decision-makers, to employment contract drafting (with legally secure, market-appropriate preconditions)

Contact us now

Industry-independent Personnel for employees 

Our employee placement service provides access to various jobs in different fields, including:


As part of job placement, we refine your applicant profile to find the job, that meets your expectations. Thanks to our close ties with established companies, we position you at the forefront when vacancies arise. You will receive suitable, attractive offers in a short space of time.


We are happy to advise you


+49 711 7861-3203



Our locations

Find a contact person in your desired region. We will be happy to assist you!

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Young Professionals

Have you successfully completed your studies, gained your first practical experience and are ready to start your career? With us, you can successfully enter the professional world! We will place you in positions that exactly match your potential and pave the way for a successful career start and professional growth.


High Professionals

Do you have above-average experience and success in your specialist field? We are looking for experts like you who are ready to grow and achieve success together with a new company. We offer you the right challenge.

The solution for jobseekers: Job placement through DEKRA Arbeit Group 

 Our direct placement service is the link between you as an applicant and companies looking for qualified personnel. We see ourselves not only as a guide, but also as an active shaper of your professional future. Benefit from our job placement services and our other services as a professional personnel service provider and discover new, attractive career opportunities. 

Job Placement versus Temporary Work

The main difference between job placement and temporary employment lies in the (time) objective. If you want to work only for a certain period, such as to bridge a specific phase of life or in the case of uncertain job/move planning, our temporary employment offer is the better option. In the case of a desired permanent position, we act as a placement agent for you. The costs for the pure placement function are usually covered by the company or your future employer.

Personalvermittlung mit DEKRA Arbeit

[Translate to English:]

Die Suche nach dem perfekten Job mit vielversprechenden Karriereaussichten ist nicht leicht – vor allem aber sehr zeitaufwendig. Gerade bei speziellen oder teilweise auch regional begrenzten Berufswünschen ist der Bewerbungsprozess oftmals mit der Suche nach der berühmten Nadel im Heuhaufen vergleichbar. Dies gilt ebenfalls für eine berufliche Neuausrichtung, die sich mit Ihrer persönlichen Qualifikation und Berufserfahrung deckt.

Bei der Jobvermittlung setzen Sie sich als Interessent zunächst mit uns in Verbindung und beschreiben uns Ihren konkreten Jobwunsch. Wir als Vermittlungspartner erstellen daraufhin eine Auswahl geeigneter Unternehmen, die eine zu Ihren Vorstellungen passende Position zu besetzen haben.